Advertise on Dotty Dolly?

Just a quick post to tell you all about advertising etc.. on my blog! I have finally got round to making a blog button, so if you wish to host your blog button on Dotty Dolly all you need to do is email me at, and give me your blog address, as, if you put my button on your blog, I will put yours on mine in return! My button is on the side of my blog, along with the code!

I hope you all do this girlies as its a great way for everyone to see your gorgeous blogs!! PLUS it's absolutely free! I will put as many as I can fit on! hehe

Lots of love xxx


  1. Oh cool!! Would love to do this! But then I don't know how to make a blog button.. haha! I'm off to finding out how! :)

    Kisses! xxx

  2. Yayyy you did it, glad you asked me how tehe! your lovely button is now on Milky's Ways! <3

  3. How do you make a blog button? :-) If I can work it out I'll definitely get yours straight on my blog! xxx

  4. Ooh this site has some nice clothes, and they're not too expensive either! x


Oh My Love
Hi, I'm Jade. Just a 19 year old girl with big dreams. Chocolate lover, shopaholic and living way beyond my means. (That rhyme was unintentional, honest.) If you'd like to get in contact, i'd love to hear from you at:

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